H-700    House amendment "D"

Sponsored By: Representative BABBIDGE of Kennebunk




This amendment requires that a municipality may not pay as part of its local allocation more than twice the mill rate of any other municipality within that same school administrative unit and allows a transition adjustment for a municipality adversely affected to be determined by the Department of Education. The amendment also directs the Commissioner of Education to submit to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over education and cultural affairs proposed legislation necessary to implement this requirement.


Fiscal Note


No State fiscal impact


Fiscal Detail and Notes                                                           

            This amendment has no fiscal impact to the state.  It provides that no municipality may pay as part of its local allocation more than twice the mill rate of any other municipality within that same school administrative unit.  This amendment also provides for a transition adjustment for those municipalities that may be adversely impacted by this provision.

            As amended, this bill will reduce the local contribution for funding K-12 public education for certain municipalities within a school administrative unit and increase the local contribution for certain municipalities within the same school administrative unit.  The amount can not be determined at this time.