H-683    House Amendment "C"

Sponsored By: Representative MACDONALD of Boothbay




Under the existing law governing the reorganization of school administrative units, a referendum must be held on a proposed reorganization by November 4, 2008.


Part B of this amendment changes the deadline by which a referendum must be held to January 15, 2009 and changes dates that are linked to the referendum date by the same amount of time.


Part C of this amendment authorizes regional school unions as an alternative to the regional school unit method of school reorganization. A regional school union must perform certain core functions, which include employment of a superintendent, performance of all business functions, special education administration, transportation administration, adoption of a core curriculum and all state and federal reporting. A regional school union is formed in the same manner as a regional school unit by means of a reorganization plan prepared by a reorganization planning committee, with approval of the Commissioner of Education and approval at a referendum. Regional school unions are subject to the same requirements as regional school units with respect to minimum numbers of students, exceptions to minimum numbers of students, timelines for submission of reorganization plans, operational date and applicable penalties. School administrative units that form a regional school union become “local educational units” with no further responsibility for the administrative functions, which are taken over by the regional school union.


Fiscal Note      


Potential future biennium cost increase - General Fund    


Fiscal Detail and Notes                                                             

            Providing school administrative units with the option of forming a regional school union that allows for the dispersion of decision making authority to local education units within the regional school union except for certain core functions may increase the total cost of K-12 public education in future biennia due to less savings being achieved versus what was anticipated in Public Law 2007, chapter 240, Part XXXX.  The amount can not be determined at this time and will depend on the number of regional school unions established and the ability of regional school unions and local education units within the regional school union to implement efficiencies.  Two areas which could impact future General Fund costs include special education and transportation.            

            Title 20-A, §15681-A, sub-§2(D) requires that school administrative units receive sufficient funds for special education to ensure that the SAU's meet the federal maintenance of effort requirement for receiving federal Individuals with Disabilities Act funds.  The maintenance of effort requirement states that the total amount of state and local funds budgeted by the local education agency for expenditures in a current fiscal year for the education of children with disabilities must be at least equal to the total amount of state and local school funds actually expended for the education of children with disabilities in the most recent preceding fiscal year.  Less savings being achieved versus what was anticipated in Public Law 2007, chapter 240, Part XXXX may require a higher level of state and local funding in order to fulfill the maintenance of effort requirement.          

            Title 20-A, §15681-A, sub-§3 requires that school administrative units receive no less than 90% of the most recent year's reported net transportation expenditures.  Less savings being achieved versus what was anticipated in Public Law 2007, chapter 240, Part XXXX may require a higher level of funding in order to meet the statutory requirement.