H-677    House Amendment "B"

H-678    House Amendment "A”

Sponsored By: Representative MCFADDEN of Dennysville




This amendment establishes a procedure by which a school administrative unit may withdraw from the school reorganization planning process. The procedure requires a majority vote of the representatives of a school administrative unit on a reorganization planning committee followed by a public hearing and a referendum vote of the school administrative unit on the question of whether the school administrative unit should opt out of the school reorganization planning process.


Fiscal Note


No State fiscal impact


Fiscal Detail and Notes                                                           

            Allowing school administrative units to withdraw from the reorganization planning process by following the established procedure, including holding a referendum vote, does not have a fiscal impact to the State.  Choosing to opt out of a regional school unit results in the acceptance of penalities pursuant to Public Law 2007, chapter 240, Part XXXX, §15696.