Proposed Timeline for MDI Regional School System Reorganization

(6/21/2008 draft for consideration by RPC on 7/02)


Final planning phase:


·        July 2: RPC takes action on Trenton’s proposal to join MDI RPC 

·        July 3: Target date for draft of inter-local agreement from Drummond Woodsum to be completed for RPC review

·        July 23 (and July 30 and Aug 6, if necessary) RPC drafts, reviews, and adopts regional school system reorganization plan.

·        August 12 - August 25: Local school boards each meet and formally approve inter-local agreement and regional school system reorganization plan.

·        August 25: Final board-approved version of plan submitted to Department of Education


Reorganization referendum phase


·        September 8: Deadline for municipal officers to sign Order with wording of ballot article to be filed with the town clerk.

·        October 1: Deadline for school boards to sign election warrants

·        October 3: Deadline for delivery of absentee ballots and election warrants to town clerks

·        October 25: Last day for public hearing on referendum article (notice of public hearing must be posted 7 days prior)

·        October 28: Deadline for posting warrants

·        November 4: Election Day: Referendum Date


Transition of budgeting and operations phase


·        Nov-Dec 2008: State Board of Education certifies Regional School System; local boards constitute Regional School System board.

·        Dec 08-Jan 2009: RSS board develops 2009-2010 RSS budget in time to be included at annual HS meeting in mid-February

·        Feb 09-June 09: System members’ budgets get reviewed, approved, and validated through local legislative bodies and referendum.

·        June 30, 2009: MDI Regional School System operations replace operations of Union 98.