Mount Desert Island Reorganization Planning Committee

PO Box 60,

Mount Desert, Maine 04660

Phone (207) 288-5049

Fax (207) 288-5071

Press Release

Contact: Brian Hubbell

Phone: (207) 214-4848


3:00 P.M. EDT, April 7, 2008


Rural Maine supports LD 1932 as enacted, urges Governor to sign bill


Bar Harbor, ME, April 7, 2008: Educators on Mount Desert Island today join with those from other districts around the state to commend state legislators for enacting LD 1932, the long-anticipated fix to last year’s school reorganization law.


As amended by substantial majorities in both the House and Senate earlier this legislative session, LD 1932 allows school districts the option to consolidate as Regional School Unions, a governance model in which regional central office functions of business, curriculum, and administration are consolidated under the oversight of a regional board while ownership and oversight of individual schools is retained by local subcommittees.


The Regional Union governance model is based largely upon the present administrative structure of School Union 98 which serves the diverse student enrollments and valuations of four towns of MDI and its three outer islands and which the Commissioner of Education has repeatedly declared to be a high quality, successfully administered school system.


Problems of cost and governance in the Governor's previous consolidation law now prevent reorganization in most towns in the state which are subject to the law's requirements. What will fix the problem in one community will not necessarily work in all communities.


We support all the provisions of LD 1932 that will remove various other consolidation barriers for many school systems. We realize that a school union option is neither wanted nor needed in all communities. However, just as surely, without the carefully-crafted, comprehensive school union provisions contained in this bill, a significant number of communities in the state will be either unable to comply with the consolidation law.


Providing this option will not cost the loss of educational subsidies to other communities. That assertion has been made and, when challenged, left wholly unsubstantiated by representatives of the Department of Education throughout debate on this bill. We ask the Department to cease the divisive political rhetoric that has characterized their opposition to the school union proposal and join with us to create efficient and effective school governance structures tailored to meet the diverse needs of Maine's many communities.


This is the moment for the Governor to prevent what will otherwise be profound ongoing contention between the Department of Education and voters in dozens of towns throughout this state. Let us all return our attention to assuring all our children access to the highest possible quality educational opportunities so they each and all will be ready for the challenges of career, college and citizenship in the twenty-first century.


We ask the Governor to sign LD 1932.


Gail Marshall, Mount Desert, MDI RPC

Brian Hubbell, Bar Harbor, MDI RPC

Paul Murphy, Bar Harbor, MDI RPC

Ernie Easter, New Sweden Elementary School

George Crawford, Jonesboro Elementary School

Nancy Hudak, New Sweden

Henri Gignoux, Steuben, Downeast Coastal RPC

Amanda Dyer, Bar Harbor Teachers’ Association

Kristin Hutchins, Southwest Harbor Select Board

John March, Mount Desert

Virginia L. Mott, Lakeville

Lisa Plourde, Conners Emerson School, Bar Harbor

Barry McLaughlin, Superintendent, Union 107

Judith Jones, Hope

John & Tammy DesJardin Frenchboro, ME

Mary Wallace, MDI High School

Kimberly Steinbarger, Beech Hill School Committee, Union 92 RPC

Don Holt, Chairman, Mariaville Select Board

Dick Atlee, Southwest Harbor

Rochelle Sprague, Conners Emerson School

Gordon Donaldson, University of Maine

Cynthia Sakovics Brotzman, Conners Emerson School

Susan Covino Buell, Southwest Harbor

Eric Henry, Southwest Harbor School Board

Sue Hersey, Conners-Emerson School

Mary Ann Young, Conners-Emerson School

Marc Chappe, Conners-Emerson School

Marlene Hurd, Conners-Emerson School

Maureen King, Kennebunkport RPC

Mia Thompson Brown, Chair, Mount Desert Elementary

Elizabeth M. Erickson, Tremont School Board

Valerie Peer, Conners-Emerson School

Kate Chaplin, Cranberry Isles School Board Chair

Kathleen Rybarz, School Board, Lamoine

Anthony J. Robertson, Bar Harbor

Ruth Eveland, Chair, Bar Harbor Town Council

Amy Young, Southwest Harbor, Union 98 Chair

Gail Royal, Southwest Harbor School Board

Ted Spurling, Jr., Cranberry Isles School Board

