LD 1932

Senate Roll Call #369

Date:    April 2, 2008

            Motion:             Pass to be Engrossed as Amend

            Number of Yeas Required:          18 (simple majority)

            Outcome:          PREVAILS

            Yeas (Y):          24

            Nays (N):          11

            Absent (X):        0

            Excused (E):     0


*Name in bold indicates change of vote from March 20th vote to accept Committee of Conference report


YEAS (24)

Democrats (16):

            BARTLETT of Cumberland          D          Y phil@philbartlett.com

            BOWMAN of York          D          Y peterbowman@comcast.net

            BRANNIGAN of Cumberland       D          Y SenJoe.Brannigan@legislature.maine.gov

            BROMLEY of Cumberland          D          Y SenLynn.Bromley@legislature.maine.gov

            BRYANT of Oxford         D          Y sen.bryant@verizon.net

            DAMON of Hancock       D          Y dsdamon@panax.com

            DIAMOND of Cumberland           D          Y diamondhollyd@aol.com

            HOBBINS of York          D          Y SenBarry.Hobbins@legislature.maine.gov

            MARRACHÉ of Kennebec           D          Y drlisa@elmcitymed.com

            MARTIN of Aroostook     D          Y SenJohn.Martin@legislature.maine.gov

            MITCHELL of Kennebec D          Y SenLibby.Mitchell@legislature.maine.gov

            NUTTING of Androscoggin          D          Y SenJohn.Nutting@legislature.maine.gov

            PERRY of Penobscot     D          Y kjjjperry@aol.com

            SCHNEIDER of Penobscot         D          Y schneidersenate@msn.com

            STRIMLING of Cumberland         D          Y SenStrimling@mainesenate.org

            SULLIVAN of York         D          Y npsullivan@gwi.net

Republicans (8):

            DOW of Lincoln             R          Y danadow@adelphia.net

            GOOLEY of Franklin      R          Y wgooley@hciwireless.net

            *PLOWMAN of Penobscot        R          Y debraplowman@cs.com

            RAYE of Washington     R          Y SenatorRaye@wwsisp.com

            SAVAGE of Knox          R          Y csavage@midcoast.com

            SHERMAN of Aroostook             R          Y Rsherm_2000@yahoo.com

            *SNOWE-MELLO of Androscoggin        R          Y RepLois@megalink.net

            WESTON of Waldo        R          Y SenCarol.Weston@legislature.maine.gov


NAYS (11)

Democrats (2):

            *EDMONDS of Cumberland      D          N SenBeth.Edmonds@legislature.maine.gov

            *ROTUNDO of Androscoggin    D          N mrotundo@bates.edu

Republicans (9):

            *BENOIT of Sagadahoc            R          N jbenoit@suscom-maine.net

            COURTNEY of York       R          N joncourtney@metrocast.net

            HASTINGS of Oxford      R          N  dhastings@hastings-law.com

            *McCORMICK of Kennebec      R          N mccormick@prexar.com

            MILLS of Somerset        R          N pmills@mainelegal.net

            NASS of York    R          N SenRichard.Nass@legislature.maine.gov

            ROSEN of Hancock       R          N rrosen113@aol.com

            *SMITH of Piscataquis R          N dsmith@kynd.net

            TURNER of Cumberland             R          N SenKarl.Turner@legislature.maine.gov