Maine School Management Association

49 Community Drive

Augusta, ME  04330

(207) 622-3473



TO:         Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Legislative Contact People, and MSBA Board of Directors
FROM:   Dale A. Douglass, Executive Director
               Sandra J. MacArthur, Deputy Executive Director
DATE:    February 6, 2008
RE:         General Purpose Aid
This is to advise you that a new 99 million dollar spending reduction target that has been established that calls for a decrease of GPA by 35.8 million dollars.  AFA has established these additional target cuts because of shortfalls in projected revenue.  
The Commissioner announced that she will not be issuing 281's based on the Governor's budget bill.  She indicated that she has requested the Department staff to develop new 281's based on this GPA cut.
The Commissioner is currently discussing with the Education Committee two specific issues i.e. ELL and disadvantaged student weights.  The Education and Cultural Affairs Committee indicated to her that they prefer she retain the .15 weight for disadvantaged students for computing the new 281's.  In practical terms this means that the reductions will probably be accomplished by reducing the state percentage of 55% to a lower number and adjusting the local mill rate.
Attached is the spreadsheet that was distributed to the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee.  Please share this memo and attachment with your board members and others as appropriate.
More information will follow as it becomes available.