  B C D E F G H I J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A CmteB CmteC Comments
3 Administrative Units 2772 Finch This bill would amend the law governing the consolidation of school administrative units, which was enacted in the First Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature. TBD         Concept draft?
4 Administrative Units 2787 Clark This bill would amend the law governing the consolidation of school administrative units by specifying that it is the municipality, rather than the school administrative un that is responsible for forming a reorganization planning committee. This bill wou TBD t, ?       LD1 932 provides exception for isolated, rural units with at least 1,000 students
5 Administrative Units 2851 Schatz This bill would allow regional school units to be organized as school unions. IN X       LD1932 "minority report"
6 Administrative Units 3011 Mi rain ant This bill would allow districts to override the 2% requirement in the interests of broac local representation within regional school units. er IN X       LD 1932 repeals 2 mill minimum
7 Administrative Units 3031 Percy This bill would enact a mechanism to equalize the tax burden for education across municipalities authorized to regionalize in the lower Kennebec River area pursuant to Private and Special law 2007, chapter 25. The bill would also authorize limiting choi f OUT e of         Printed as LD2028
8 Administrative Units 3059 Hastings This bill would specify that, for the purposes of the law governing school administrat unit consolidation, a population density of less than 100 persons per square mile constitutes a justification for a proposed school unit's serving fewer than 2.000. veTBD 7       LD 1932 provides exception for isolated, rural units with at least 1,000 students
9 Administrative Units 3062 Mills, P. This bill would encourage the formation of a regional school unit in northwest Maine Administrative District No. 13. This bill would provide that the reorganization plan prepared by the Reorganization Planning Committee may include a cost-sharing formula  TBD 7       Potential P&SL? LD 1932 permits "above EPS" cost-sharing. Cloesly-relatedtoLR3153 and LR3366
10 Administrative Units 3121 Benoit This bill would require the lower Kennebec River area regional school unit to raise ar amount of revenue equal to 50% of an anticipated reduction in local tax burden for schools to offset local tax increases for education. OUT         Duplicate of LD202J
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised:  1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D E F G H I J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A CmteB CmteC Comments
  Administrative Units 3153 ^inkham This bill would encourage the formation of a regional school unit in northwest Maine TBD 7       Potential P&SL?
        comprised of Maine School Administrative District No. 1 2, Maine School           LD 1932 permits
        Administrative District No, 13, the Town of Greenville, the Town of Shirley, Pleasant           "above EPS" cost-
        R.idge Plantation, Dennistown Plantation, Kingsbury Plantation, the Town of Beaver           sharing; and also
        Cove, the Town of Caratunk, the Forks Plantation, West Forks Plantation and portion:           provides exception
        of the unorganized territory, including Rockwood. The bill would provide that the           for isolated, rural
        reorganization plan prepared by the Reorganization Planning Committee may include a         units with at least
        cost-sharing formula applicable both to required local contributions and additional loc al         1,000 students.
        funds based on valuation, number of pupils or other factors, and may include other co 3t-         Closely-related to
        sharing transition provisions as determined by the Reorganization Planning Committe           LR3062andLR3366
        The bill would authorize the Commissioner of Education to approve a reorganization            
        Dlan for the proposed Northwest Regional School Unit with less than 1,200 resident            
        3upils ...            
  Administrative Units 3161 vIcLeod This bill would remove fiscal impediments to the consolidation of school administrati veTBD 7       Potential P&SL?
        units for the communities of Bancroft, Burlington, Carroll Plantation, Chester, Drew           LD1932 removes
        Plantation, East Millinocket, Edinburg, Enfield, Glenwood, Howland, Lakeville, Lee,           some fiscal barriers
        Lincoln, Lowell, Macwahoc Planatation, Mattawamkeag, Maxfield, Medford, Medwa y,          
        Millinocket, Passadumkeag, Reed Plantation, Seboeis Plantation. Springfield, Webste            
        Plantation, Winn and Woodville.            
  Administrative Units 3247 Smith, N. This bill would change a number of provisions in the laws governing the consolidatio i   TBD          
        of school administrative units in Public Law 2007, chapter 240, Part XXXX to allow for            
        more realistic cost savings to be achieved for productive merger discussions to contin Lie          
        and for educational excellence to remain the top priority for school children in this St: te.          
  Administrative Units 3359 Eaton This bill would encourage the formation of Regional School Unit No. 7. This bill would TBD 9     r. Potential P&SL? LD
        provide that reorganization plan prepared by the reorganization planning committee f! >r         1932 permits "above
        Regional School Unit No. 7 may include a cost-sharing formula applicable to all or a           EPS" cost-sharing.
        portion of the regional school unit's locally raised funds based on evaluation, number of       - Related to LR3144
        pupils or other factors, and may include other cost-sharing transition provisions as           (cost-sharing for
        determined by the reorganization planning committee.           MDI H.S.)
  Administrative Units 3366 Smith, D. This bill would encourage the formation of a regional school unit in northwest Maine TBD 9       Potential P&SL?
        comprised of School Administrative District No. 12, School Administrative District N o.         Closely-related to
        13, the Town of Greenville, the Town of Shirley, Pleasant Ridge Plantation, Dennistown           LR3062andLR3153
        Plantation, Kingsbury Plantation, the Town of Beaver Cove, the Town of Caratunk. tf e          
        Forks Plantation, West Forks Plantation and portions of the unorganized territory.            
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised:  1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D E F G H I J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A CmteB CmteC Comments
16 Administrative Units DOE02   Consider clarifying the consequences for CSDs and K-8 SADs of voting not to join a RSU (current law reconstitutes all K-l 2 SADs as RSUs by 7-1-09, but is silent on the ability of CSDs and K-8 SADs to remain operational after that date) IN   X     Districts must comply with intent of law and with rules (c. 125 and c. 127); review language late
17 Administrative Units FAC07   Give the Commissioner flexibility on timelines for complying with this law; authority waive penalty if approved RFC plan cannot be implemented for 7/1/09 or authority to approve a RFC alternative plan that does not meet the 1,200 minimum student numbe but toTBD         Need DOE comments on need to have flexibility to grant waivers and circumstances that warrant a waiver
25 Administrative Units FAC15   RSU board representation will leave some communities without a representative on th board that resides within their town e TBD          
26 Administrative Units RPC06   Need assistance from DOE to clarify what happens if an individual unit turns down a plan at referendum. IN   X      
27 Administrative Units RPC36   Need assistance from AG office to determine if Option D method of voting will perm board representation that does not comply with the 2% rule t    IN X        
28 Administrative Units STK28   Laws that govern school unions and school districts will be repealed as of 7-1-08; if municipal voters do not approve a RSU plan, then how will school unions and school districts operate? (MSMA) TBD         Related to DOE02
29 Appeals Process 3258 Silsby This bill would create an appeals process under the laws governing the consolidation school administrative units for school districts that were denied approval of their proposed consolidation or alternative plan by the Commissioner of Education. >fTBD         Need DOE comments on circumstances warranting appeals and appellate body
30 Budget Validation Referendum 3103 Farrington This bill would clarify the provisions of the school district consolidation law that require municipal school budgets to be adopted using the budget validation referendum proce by making it clear that the initial budget meeting in that process is a meetin IN ;s :s >al X     -  
31 Budget Validation Referendum 3216 Farrington This bill would exempt those school administrative units that are spending less than tl level of funding outlined in the essential programs and services funding model from t newly passed budget validation process until they exceed that funding level. e TBD te          
32 Budget Validation Referendum DOE04   Provide consistency of language within all sections of the law defining the budget referendum ballot question (i.e., allocated and unallocated law) IN   X     Include amended ballot question in "allocated" law
z Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised: 1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D E F G H 1 J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LDJ932 Cmte A Cmte B CmteC Comments
  Budget Validation DOE10   Recommend clarify and amending the budget approval and validation process to TBD         (1) 14 calendar days
  Referendum     address: (1) defining legislative body to resolve conflicts with local charters (IN); (2)           between budget
        define the number of days from legislative body meeting to referendum validation (1^           meeting and
        days); (3) define distribution procedure for absentee ballots; (4) define process by which           validation
        local municipalities are authorized to levy taxes for education if SAU (municipal schc ol         referendum; (2)
        unit and RSU) budget is not approved by July 1 of any year; (5) remove requirement or         distribute absentee
        a separate budget referendum question; and (6) build cost of one annual budget           ballots the day
        referendum into EPS.           followijng the district
                    budget meeting; (3)
                    authorizing levy of
                    taxes based on prior
                    year's appropriation
                    adjusted by CPI; (4)
                    eliminate need for
                    two separate ballot
                    question and
                    combine information
                    on two votes; and (5)
                    include annual funds
                    for one referendum
                    vote under EPS
                    allocation to each
  Budget Validation EDU01   Exempt municipal school units from the budget validation referendum process in cast s TBD          
  Referendum     where the municipal charter defines roles and process for developing and approving t le          
34     Harlow school budget            
  Career & Technical 3107 By rant, B. This bill would clarify the procedures for repayment of school construction debt IN   X     Review draft of
  Education     incurred for an approved addition and renovation project at the Region 9 School of           P&SLbill; and
        Applied Technology in Mexico, Maine. The bill would provide that in the event that t ic         review DOE map of
        current members of Region 9 are merged into regional school units pursuant to Public           current CTE centers
        Law 2007, chapter 240, Part XXXX the regional school units will have authority to           and regions
        assess and collect the annual debt service for the project.            
  Career & Technical STK34   Legislature never looked at how the RSU law interacts with the CTE law; no way to IN   X     DOE to study
  Education     appoint the cooperative board for the region or deal with boundaries and finances           implications of
        (MSMA)           reorganization on
                    CTE centers and
36                   regions
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised:  1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D E F G H 1 J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A Cmte B CmteC Comments
37 Cost-Sharing 2962 Bdgecomb This bill would allow the schools of Caribou, School Administrative District 20, Limestone, Caswell, Woodland, New Sweden and Westmanland to negotiate their ow cost-sharing formulas. IN n X        
38 Cost-Sharing 2983 Walker This bill would allow regional school units to use a cost-sharing formula other than th essential programs and services rate, as long as the alternate formula was approved in the final reorganization plan for that regional school unit. e    IN X        
39 Cost-Sharing 2996 Bryant, B. This bill would authorize regional planning committees, in the course of implementin the law regarding the consolidation of school administrative units, to submit negotiate cost-sharing agreements as part of their reorganization plans. I    IN d X        
40 Cost-Sharing 3005 Hogan This bill would allow individual school districts to develop local cost-sharing formula that remediate or eliminate cost-sharing problems that are encountered in the effort to consolidate into an approved regional school unit. s    IN X        
41 Cost-Sharing 3015 Vliramant This bill would grant school administrative units the flexibility to develop cost-sharin formulas if the essential programs and services model does not equitably distribute costs. g    IN X        
42 Cost-Sharing 3032 Turner This bill would provide the Commissioner of Education the authority to approve changes to the formulas that outline the financial commitment each community must make as a member of a regional school unit. The commissioner would be able to blen student cou IN i X        
43 Cost-Sharing 3104 Hayes This bill would amend the school administrative regionalization requirements to inclu financial options for certain school units, such as Maine School Administrative Distrii No. 39, to make those units more appealing partners for consolidation by not pena 3e IN :t >g X        
44 Cost-Sharing 3110 Mitchell This bill would allow members of newly consolidated units to negotiate valuation issi with each other and would require a referendum in a budget only if it exceeds guidelines for essential programs and services. es IN X       Budget referendum proposal closely-related to LR3216
45 Cost-Sharing 3142 Nass, R. This bill would allow the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affair: to look at the obstacles to consolidation, which include, but are not limited to, the cost of implementing consolidation to individual school administrative units. The co IN s P X        
46 Cost-Sharing 3144 Pingree This bill would enact a cost-sharing arrangement for Mount Desert Island High Schoc 1. TBD 7       Potential amendment to P&SL cost-sharing provision in place?
47 Cost-Sharing 3145 Pingree This bill would encourage cost-sharing in Maine schools. IN X        
: Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised:   1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D                                                       E F G H I J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A CmteB CmteC Comments
48 Cost-Sharing 3175 Saviello This bill would allow regional school unit directors to negotiate a cost-sharing formul that includes ratios of student numbers and valuation that will distribute costs in an equitable way. The bill also allows cost-sharing formulas to be reviewed annuall i    IN £        
49 Cost-Sharing 3219 Connor This bill would provide that certain municipalities that form rnultimunicipal regional school units will share any additional costs using the pro rata state valuation allocatio method. IN i X        
50 Cost- Sharing 3223 Hobbins This bill would allow individual school districts to develop local cost-sharing formula that remediate or eliminate cost-sharing problems that are encountered in the effort to consolidate into an approved regional school unit. s    IN X        
51 Department Reductions 3006 Saviello This bill would require the Department of Education to cut its budget by 20% by 200* and by a total of 50% by 2010. TBD          
52 Efficient, High-3erforming 2899 Sherman The bill would expand the definition of efficient, high-performing school districts. Th bill would change the current requirement that such a district contain "at least 3 schools" identified as higher-performing so as not to unfairly eliminate a district  5 TBD n         DOE reported on 11-30-07 they do not have data to develop new criteria to identify efficient, high-performing units
53 Efficient, High-Performing 2929 Lundeen This bill would amend the criteria for exceptions concerning school administrative un consolidations for higher performing and highly efficient schools by making the chok of having 3 higher performing schools in a district or having improved spending perc it TBD e         DOE reported on 1 1 • 30-07 they do not have data to develop new criteria to identify efficient, high-performing units
54 Extend Deadlines 2797 Schatz This bill would extend the deadlines imposed in the school administrative unit consolidation requirements by 3 years. TBD          
55 Extend Deadlines 2803 Cebra This bill would extend all deadlines and the application of penalties for not meeting tl deadlines of the consolidation plan of school administrative units. e TBD          
56 Extend Deadlines 3221 Clark This bill would extend the deadlines and the application of penalties for not complyin with the deadlines of the consolidation plan of school administrative units. I TBD          
57 Extend Deadlines 3246 Pratt This bill would move back the deadline for the finalization of the consolidation of school administrative units one year. The Commissioner of Education would be required to create a new timeline based on this new deadline, The current cost savings related TBD D          
58 Extend Deadlines 3355 Smith, D. This bill would postpone the effects and implementation of the school district consolidation law, suspend any funding of the law, halt meetings and suspend deadlin TBD es.          
59 Increased Costs 2881 McFadden This bill would prevent schools and towns joining a regional school unit from taking < more debt service than required by the State. »n TBD          
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised: 1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D E F G H I J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A CmteB CmteC Comments
60 ncreased Costs 2958 VlacDonald This bill would require the State to reimburse a municipality that incurs increased education costs solely due to school administrative consolidation. TBD          
61 ncreased Costs 3014 VI i ram ant This bill would compensate a town for any financial loss that the town may have incurred due to school administrative consolidation. TBD          
62 ncreased Costs 3041 Rosen, R. This bill would ensure that municipalities without secondary school choice are not financially obligated by a regional school unit for expenditures that are used to suppo student attendance at a high school other than the regional school units. TBD t          
63 ncreased Costs 3046 Webster This bill would require the Department of Education to develop a mechanism that wil ensure a mitigation of the tax shifting effect. TBD          
64 ncreased Costs 3159 Lew in This bill would require the State to bear the costs associated with the implementation the law governing the consolidation of school administrative units. 3fTBD          
65 ncreased Costs 3376 Babbidge This bill would require that no municipality be required to pay as part of its local allocation more than twice the mill rate of any municipality within that same regional school unit and would allow a transition adjustment for a municipality adversely af TBD          
66 Labor issues 2SSO McFadden This bill would require all schools or towns in a regional school unit to have the same labor market assessment as averaged in the State. OUT         DOE to review implications of reorganization on LMA adjustment and report back by 3- 1 5-08
67 _abor Issues 2967 Rosen, R. This bill would remove the provisions of Public Law 2007, chapter 240, Part XXXX that relate to employment contracts in school administrative units that join regional school units. TBD          
68 L,abor Issues 3127 Bryant, B. This bill would amend the law governing the consolidation of school administrative units to specifically allow a reorganization plan to include proposals to reduce teachir staffs and to close schools. TBD g          
69 Labor Issues 3319 Lansley This bill would establish the Department of Education as the payroll, human resource; and bargaining agent for all school units. Salaries for teachers would be determined t the labor market distribution currently in place and funded by the department. TBD y          
70 Labor Issues 3326 Faircloth This bill would clarify the rights and obligations of regional school units concerning t reassignment of teachers and other employees of the regional school unit in the transitional period from the operational date of the regional school unit until the co heTBD          
71 Labor Issues DOE09   Review contract/bargaining unit requirements in PL 2007, chapter 240 with the Maim Labor Relations Board for possible clarification of process TBD          
72 Labor Issues STK16   Ask that you keep current employees under their existing bargaining agreement if the are transferred from one school in a new RSU into another RSU within the new RSU (MEA) i  TBD          
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised:  1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D E F G H I J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A Cmte B CmteC Comments
73 _abor Issues STK19   "As soon as practicable" needs to be seen in context of other existing statutes, so RS1 Doard could reject collective bargaining agreement, fact finding, voluntary mediation J  TBD          
74 ^abor Issues STK20   'No displacement" language - in no case will the plan displace teachers or students; tf language is being understood as a guarantee of continued employment, which is incorrect as the legally-constituted RPC board can decide to RIF teachers (MMA) isTBD          
75 Municipal Withdrawal 2943 Pratt This bill would allow a municipality to withdraw from a school administrative unit (i. SAD or CSD) in order to join a regional school unit. s.,OUT         DOE to review old SAD withdrawal process and report recommendations for withdrawal process for RSUs by 3-15-08
76 Municipal Withdrawal 3010 Miramant This bill would allow a municipality to withdraw from a school administrative unit (i. SAD or CSD). 2., OUT         DOE to review old SAD withdrawal process and report recommendations for withdrawal process for RSUs by 3- 15-08
77 Penalties 2798 Schatz This bill would eliminate the penalties imposed on school districts if the districts haven1! yet met all the school administrative unit consolidation requirements. TBD          
78 Penalties 2801 Edgecomb This bill would eliminate the penalties that exist in the school administrative unit consolidation plan for school systems that haven't met the deadlines. TBD          
79 Penalties 2804 Cebra This bill would waive all penalties in the school administrative unit consolidation plai . TBD          
80 Penalties 3012 Miramant This bill would lessen the penalties assessed on a school district that does not join a school administrative unit. TBD          
81 Penalties 3130 Treat This bill would address various financial issues associated with implementing school district consolidation where the districts involve both school administrative districts a municipal districts. The bill would remove financial roadblocks to fully impleme TBD id          
82 Penalties STK22   53.86% penalty seems arbitrary and unclear and prefer a clear and rational penalty (MMA) TBD          
83 Repeal 2796 Schatz This bill would repeal the school administrative unit consolidation requirements enao into law in the First Regular Session of the 123rd Legislature. edOUT          
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised: 1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D E F G H I J K
1 Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A CmteB CmteC Comments
84 Repeal 2937 Weston This bill would repeal the school district reorganization provisions enacted in Part XXXX of Public Law 2007, chapter 240. This bill would repeal all of the statutory an unallocated provisions of that part of the law that were enacted to transform existin OUT i et \        
85 Repeal 3116 Smith, D. This bill would repeal the school district consolidation laws. OUT          
86 Repeal 3162 Eaton This bill would repeal the law requiring school districts to consolidate. OUT          
87 Secondary School 2864 Plowman This bill would provide that a regional school unit that requires a member school unit send secondary students to the secondary school of that regional school unit must ace all the secondary students of that member school unit. toTBD 2pt          
88 Secondary School 2979 Schatz This bill would allow a regional school unit with more than one secondary school to charge municipalities that send students to those schools different tuition rates for iho secondary schools. TBD sC          
89 Secondary School 3024 Greeley This bill would provide regional school units with school choice communities to maki the amount over the regional school units high school tuition a regional school unit assessment. This bill would also allow a parent to pay the tuition if the tuition fun TBD          
92 School Choice DOE08   School choice is an obstacle; communities that have the right to continue school chou see it as fair, but other communities that don not have school choice don't see it as fai: and do not think it is fair to provide financial support for school choice of  e   iN   X     See DOE technical proposal to clarify law
93 Local School Committees DOE05   Address the method by which a municipality within a regional school unit may raise money and direct spending of funds to a school serving children from kindergarten to no higher than grade 8 should be clarified IN X        
95 Local School Committees DOE07   Received requests from school districts to allow municipalities to raise additional furu for high schools in the same manner as is allowed for K-8 schools Is   IN X        
96 Local School Committees DOE 11   Add language to clearly articulate the powers and duties of any local school committe created; define who determines those powers and duties; and how their existence and/ powers and duties can be changes and by whom e    IN or X        
104 School Facilities FAC17   SAD property issue is different, if a municipality owns all or part of a building, they c not necessarily want to turn over ownership of that facility to the new RSU o TBD         Supplemental budgei proposal
113 School Facilities RPC40   Need legal opinion regarding rights of school units to retain property that is solely or jointly owned TBD          
115 School Facilities RPC42   Need legal assistance regarding reversionary clauses in deeds requiring RSUs to give towns /other public entities first refusal on properties TBD          
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised:  1/24/2008
EDU Cmte. Tracking of School District Reorganization Bill Requests
  B C D E F G H I J K
\ Subject ID# Sponsor Proposal Summary Status LD1932 Cmte A Cmte B CmteC Comments
116 School Facilities RPC43   Need legal assistance on how to handle transferor building owned by SAU, but land \ owned by the town s  TBD          
117 School Facilities STK30   Debt that was preexisting debt as of 7/1/08 may be taken on by new RSU, but if debt issued after 7/1/08, then there are no provisions on how to treat it s    IN X        
118 School Facilities STK38   No harm in letting municipalities continue to own and operate municipally funded ant owned property and leasing facility for school operations and don't see that this impai the goals of this legislation (MMA) TBD rs          
119 Transition Issues FAC04   Start up costs for RSUs is an issue for continued review TBD 9       Supplemental budgei proposal
120 Transition Issues RPC09   Local funds need to be raised to fund election of new board members and hiring of a superintendent            
122 Transition Issues RPC31   Need assistance from DOE with money for non-legal issues TBD          
135 Transition Issues RPC24   Where will money come from to support initiation process for new RSU once it is approved, new board, superintendent, and business manager are hired? IN X        
165 Transition Issues STK33   Law is silent on providing authority for electing RSU Board members, from nominati papers to validating nominating papers (MSMA) ig  IN X        
Office of Policy and Legal Analysis (DSL/PDM)
Revised:  1/24/2008