November 7th RPC Agenda


        A  Minutes of last meeting


        B  Reports


            1          Meeting with Dick Spencer (see e-mail from Brian Hubbell)

            2          Mt. Desert funding formula referendum

        C  Discussion Items

            1          Work between now and Dec 1

                                    a          What the plan will include:

                                                           20-A M.R.S.A. § 1461.3  Submission of plans.   Each school administrative unit shall submit to the commissioner its proposed reorganization plan for consolidation into a regional school unit that meets the requirements of paragraphs A and B.


A.  A reorganization plan must include:


(1) The units of school administration to be included in the proposed reorganized regional school unit;


(2) The size, composition and apportionment of the governing body;


(3) The method of voting of the governing body;


(4) The composition, powers and duties of any local school committees to be created;


(5) The disposition of real and personal school property;


(6) The disposition of existing school indebtedness and lease-purchase obligations if the parties elect not to use the provisions of section 1506 regarding the disposition of debt obligations;


(7) The assignment of school personnel contracts, school collective bargaining agreements and other school contractual obligations;


(8) The disposition of existing school funds and existing financial obligations, including undesignated fund balances, trust funds, reserve funds and other funds appropriated for school purposes;


(9) A transition plan that addresses the development of a budget for the first school year of the reorganized unit and interim personnel policies;


(10) Documentation of the public meeting or public meetings held to prepare or review the reorganization plan;


(11) An explanation of how units that approve the reorganization plan will proceed if one or more of the proposed members of the regional school unit fail to approve the plan;


(12) An estimate of the cost savings to be achieved by the formation of a regional school unit and how these savings will be achieved; and


(13) Such other matters as the governing bodies of the school administrative units in existence on the effective date of this chapter may determine to be necessary.



                                    b          Proposed Work Schedule

                                                           Nov 14 Public Forum 

                                                           Nov 15 (Thursday) RPC meeting

                                                           Nov 19, 20 Rob, Gail, Brian write draft of plan

                                                           Nov 28 RPC meeting Act on Plan

                                                           Nov 30 Submit Plan

                                    c          Approval of School Boards for RPC to submit plan

                                    d          Dealing with status of Trenton, Outer Islands

                                    e          Dealing with High School Funding Formula issues

            2          Prep for Public Forum

                                    a          Format

                                    b          Promoting attendance

                                    c          State reps attendance

            3          Repeal Petition

            4          Special Ed funding pool

                                    a          Try to Design it or Turf it to RSU?

        D  Future Agenda Items

            1          Funding formula(e)

                                    a          What is "fair"? How do we determine that?

            2          Upcoming Legislative Session