N E W S  R E L E A S E


Maine Department of Education, Susan A. Gendron,  Commissioner

REPORTERS AND  EDITORS: Commissioner Gendron will be at the Appropriations Committee this  afternoon starting at 1 p.m. and may be available for interviews just outside  the hearing room as available.  Please contact me at 831-3313 if you  would like to set up an interview.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – August 30,  2007

Contact:   David Connerty-Marin,  624-6880/831-3313

Gendron Releases Reorganization  Update

156 notices filed as of Thursday  morning, the day before the deadline

AUGUSTA – A day before the deadline for  school administrative units to file their Notices of Intent regarding school  administrative reorganization plans or alternative plans, the state Department  of Education released an updated list of Notices filed so far.
As of Thursday morning, the Department had received  notices from 156 school units. Some units that are still considering more than  one possible course of action filed more than one Notice of Intent.  

Education Commissioner Susan A. Gendron said school  units and communities around the state are doing excellent work in finding  ways for units to partner to create educational opportunities and to generate  savings.  She cited several examples of that work:


“Throughout the state we are finding the conversations  shifting from strictly finances to an exploration of the educational  opportunities,” Gendron said. “Potential partners are looking at each other’s  strengths and having positive conversations about the opportunities that can  be created for kids – that’s what this is about, creating the best educational  opportunities for students, and using our limited financial resources in the  best way possible to support that.”

Gendron acknowledged the financial concerns raised in  some communities following the Department’s provision of financial templates  to many units around the state.  Gendron noted that the templates were  always intended as a first step, one tool, in the examination of financial  data.

“The template is a picture in time – if these units  were merged today, what would the relative burdens look like?” Gendron said.  “In the vast majority of cases, what the templates show is that the burdens  would be about the same as before the merger, and that’s before any discussion  about possible savings. That leaves open the door to more in-depth discussions  and the building of a budget based on the educational vision of the combined  units, that achieves savings in central administration and overhead that could  be shifted to the classroom.”

The financials are complex, and Gendron said the  Department has offered and will continue to offer guidance to school units on  understanding them. Ultimately, she said, it’s up to school units to be  creative and find ways to make the finances work.

“You can use the finances to find ways to say ‘no,’ or  you can say – as so many units have – this is the right thing to do to create  opportunities for our students and find ways to make the finances work,”  Gendron said. “I am very encouraged by the work that’s been done to date and  the groundwork it has laid for the work ahead.”

Gendron has said she will reply to all units by Sept.  14 as to whether their Notices of Intent comply with the law and, if not, with  specific information about why they do not and suggestions for bringing them  into compliance. The law calls for no more than 80 units and for units to have  2,500 or more students unless that number is impractical, and in no case fewer  than 1,200 students.

More details of the Reorganization Law and planning  and resources information can be found online at www.maine.gov/education <http://www.maine.gov/education> . Click on  the School Administrative Reorganization logo.


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Notices of  Intent

Below is a listing of the Notices of Intent filed as  of Thursday morning, Aug. 30.  Please note that the column labeled “RSU”  refers to the suggested model released by the Department in May. It is  included only as a way of finding units that are close to each other. The new  RSUs may or may not have those numbers.

RSU  SAU  SAUs  in Reorganization Plan  
Long  Island  Alternative  Plan - Island
Islesboro  Alternative  Plan - Island
Monhegan  Island  Alternative  Plan - Island
S.A.D. #  8  Alternative  Plan - Island
S.A.D. #  7  Alternative  Plan - Island
1  Madawaska  Madawaska,  Grand Isle, SAD 10, SAD 27, SAD 33, SAD 24
1  SAD  #10  Option 1)  MSAD27/MSAD 33/MSAD 10 Option 2) Option 1 PLUS MSAD 24/Madawaska &  Grand Isle
1  S.A.D.  #33  MSAD 10/MSAD  24/MSAD 27/MSAD 33 OR MSAD 10/MSAD 24/MSAD 27/MSAD 33/Grand  Isle/Madawaska
1  Grand  Isle  Madawaska,  Grand Isle, SAD 10, SAD 27, SAD 33, SAD 24
1  S.A.D.  #24  SAD 10, SAD  24, SAD 27, SAD 33, Grand Isle & Madawaska
2  Limestone  Two Options:  Limestone, Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Caswell, New Sweden, Stockholm,  Westmanland, Woodland OR Option 1 plus MSAD 45
2  S.A.D.  #20  5 Options - 1)  Caribou/Limestone/Caswell/SAD 20. 2) Option 1 Plus New  Sweden/Stockholm/Westmanland/Woodland. 3) Option 2 Plus SAD 45. 4) SAD  20/45/42/Easton/Bridgewater. 5) SAD 20/Bridgewater/SAD  42/Easton
3  Nashville  Plantation  Alternative
3  S.A.D.  #42  SAD  42/Bridgewater/SAD 29, SAD42/Bridgewater/Easton/SAD 45, SAD  42/Bridgewater/Easton/SAD 20, SAD 42/Bridgewater/Easton/SAD 20/SAD  45
3  Easton  Three intents  filed - all three have Easton/SAD42/Bridgewater plus either SAD 45 or  SAD 20 or both
3  S.A.D.  #45  SAD 45, SAD  42, SAD 20, Easton, Bridgewater - SAD 45, SAD 42, Easton, Bridgewater -  SAD 20, SAD 45, Caribou, Union 122, Caswell,  Limestone
4  Hersey  MSAD 25, MSAD  14, MSAD 29, MSAD 70, CSD 9 (Southern Aroostook)
4  S.A.D.  #70  Filed 4 - 1)  MSAD 25, CSD 9 (Southern Aroostook), MSAD 14, Union 108 (Bancroft,  Glenwood Plt, Orient, Vanceboro) - 2) MSAD #25, CSD 9, MSAD #14, Union  108, MSAD #29 - 3) MSAD #25 & CSD #9 - OR - 4) MSAD #25, CSD #9,  MSAD #14, Union 108, MSAD #42
4  South  Aroostook  CSD  South  Aroostook CSD (Crystal, Dyer Brook, Island Falls, Merrill, Oakfield,  Smyrna) MSAD 14, MSAD 25, MSAD 29, & MSAD 70
4  S.A.D.  #25  SAD 14, SAD  29, SAD 70, & CSD 9 (Crystal, Dyer Brook, Island Falls, Oakfield,  Smyrna, Merrill)
4  S.A.D.  #29  Option 1) MSAD  29/MSAD 70/MSAD 42/Bridgewater, 2) Option 1 PLUS MSAD 14/MSAD 25/ CSD  9/Orient/Bancroft, 3) MSAD 29/Blane/Bridgewater/Mars Hill, 4) MSAD  29/MSAD 14/ MSAD 70/MSAD 25/CSD 9/Orient/Bancroft, 5) Alternative based  on Size
4  Moro  Plantation  MSAD 14, 25,  29, 70, and CSD #9
5  Calais  Calais, Alexander,  Robbinston, Baring, Crawford, Charlotte, Eastport, Perry, Baileyville,  Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps, Princeton, Talmadge, Waite,  Topsfield
5  Pembroke  Charlotte, Dennysville,  Eastport, Pembroke, Perry, Alexander, Baring, Calais, Crawford,  Robbinston, Baileyville, Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps,  Princeton, Talmadge, Waite
5  Perry  Charlotte, Dennysville,  Eastport, Pembroke, Perry, Alexander, Baring, Calais, Crawford,  Robbinston, Baileyville, Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps,  Princeton, Talmadge, Waite
5  Dennysville  Charlotte, Dennysville,  Eastport, Pembroke, Perry, Alexander, Baring, Calais, Crawford,  Robbinston, Baileyville, Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps,  Princeton, Talmadge, Waite
5  Eastport  Charlotte, Dennysville,  Eastport, Pembroke, Perry, Alexander, Baring, Calais, Crawford,  Robbinston, Baileyville, Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps,  Princeton, Talmadge, Waite
5  Charlotte  Charlotte, Dennysville,  Eastport, Pembroke, Perry, Alexander, Baring, Calais, Crawford,  Robbinston, Baileyville, Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps,  Princeton, Talmadge, Waite
5  Robbinston  Calais, Alexander,  Robbinston, Baring, Crawford, Charlotte, Eastport, Perry, Baileyville,  Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps, Princeton, Talmadge, Waite,  Topsfield
5  Baring  Plantation  Calais, Alexander,  Robbinston, Baring, Crawford, Charlotte, Eastport, Perry, Baileyville,  Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps, Princeton, Talmadge, Waite,  Topsfield
5  Alexander  Calais, Alexander,  Robbinston, Baring, Crawford, Charlotte, Eastport, Perry, Baileyville,  Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps, Princeton, Talmadge, Waite,  Topsfield
5  Crawford  Calais, Alexander,  Robbinston, Baring, Crawford, Charlotte, Eastport, Perry, Baileyville,  Cooper, Grand Lake Stream, Meddybemps, Princeton, Talmadge, Waite,  Topsfield
6  Moosabec  CSD  Three  Submitted - 1) Moosabec CSD/Union 103, Union 96, SAD 37 2) Moosabec  CSD/Union 103, Union 134, SAD 19, East Machias, Union 102 OR 3) Moosabec  CSD/Union 103, Union 134, SAD 19, Edmonds &  Prescott
6  S.A.D.  #19  MSAD 19, Union  103, CSD 17, Union 102, East Machias, and Union  134
6  East  Machias  Union 102/East  Machias/Jonesport/Beals/Union 134/MSAD 19
6  Beals  Three  Submitted - 1) Moosabec CSD/Union 103, Union 96, SAD 37 2) Moosabec  CSD/Union 103, Union 134, SAD 19, East Machias, Union 102 OR 3) Moosabec  CSD/Union 103, Union 134, SAD 19, Edmonds &  Prescott
6  Jonesboro  Union 102/East  Machias/Jonesport/Beals/Union 134/MSAD 19
6  Marshfield  Union 102/East  Machias/Jonesport/Beals/Union 134/MSAD 19
6  Whitneyville  Union 102/East  Machias/Jonesport/Beals/Union 134/MSAD 19
6  Roque  Bluffs  Union 102/East  Machias/Jonesport/Beals/Union 134/MSAD 19
6  Wesley  Union 102/East  Machias/Jonesport/Beals/Union 134/MSAD 19
6  Northfield  Union 102/East  Machias/Jonesport/Beals/Union 134/MSAD 19
6  Machiasport  Union 102,  East Machias, Union 134 , Union 103, Moosabec CSD, and SAD  19
6  Cutler  Union 102,  East Machias, Union 134 , Union 103, Moosabec CSD, and SAD  19
6  Whiting  Union 102,  East Machias, Union 134 , Union 103, Moosabec CSD, MSAD  19
6  Machias  Union 102/East  Machias/Jonesport/Beals/Union 134/MSAD 19 OR Machias & SAD  37
6  Jonesport  Three  Submitted - 1) Moosabec CSD/Union 103, Union 96, SAD 37 2) Moosabec  CSD/Union 103, Union 134, SAD 19, East Machias, Union 102 OR 3) Moosabec  CSD/Union 103, Union 134, SAD 19, Edmonds &  Prescott
7  Franklin  Ellsworth/Flanders  Bay CSD/Franklin/Hancock/Lamoine/Mariaville/Otis/Peninsula CSD/Schoodic  CSD/Steuben/Surry/Trenton/MSAD26 OR Flanders Bay CSD/Franklin/MSAD  37/Peninsula/Schoodic/Steuben
7  S.A.D.  #26  4 Options: 1)  Union 92, MSAD 26, 2) Option 1 + Ellsworth, 3) Option 2 + Schoodic,  Peninsula, and Flanders Bay CSD's & Union 96, OR 4) Option 3 +  Airline CSD
7  Lamoine  4 Options: 1)  Union 92, MSAD 26, 2) Option 1 + Ellsworth, 3) Option 2 + Schoodic,  Peninsula, and Flanders Bay CSD's & Union 96, Union 98, OR 4)  Lamoine, Trenton, and Union 98
7  Mariaville  4 Options: 1)  Union 92, MSAD 26, 2) Option 1 + Ellsworth, 3) Option 2 + Schoodic,  Peninsula, and Flanders Bay CSD's & Union 96, OR 4) Option 3 +  Airline CSD
7  Otis  4 Options: 1)  Union 92, MSAD 26, 2) Option 1 + Ellsworth, 3) Option 2 + Schoodic,  Peninsula, and Flanders Bay CSD's & Union 96, OR 4) Option 3 +  Airline CSD
7  Ellsworth  Option 1)  Ellsworth/Union 92 OR 2) Option 1 Plus Union 96
7  Hancock  3 Options: 1)  Union 92, MSAD 26, 2) Option 1 + Ellsworth, 3) Option 2 + Schoodic,  Peninsula, and Flanders Bay CSD's & Union 96
7  Trenton  4 Options: 1)  Union 92, MSAD 26, 2) Option 1 + Ellsworth, 3) Option 2 + Schoodic,  Peninsula, and Flanders Bay CSD's & Union 96, Union 98, OR 4)  Lamoine, Trenton, and Union 98
9  S.A.D.  #18  Bucksport/Orland/MSAD  18
9  S.A.D.  #56  MSAD 56 &  MSAD 34
9  Bucksport  Bucksport/Orland/SAD  18
9  Orland  Bucksport/Orland/MSAD  18
10  Penobscot  Two - 1) Blue  Hill, Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, Deer Isle, Penobscot, Sedgwick,  Stonington, Surry OR 2) Penobscot, Bucksport
10  Blue  Hill  Blue Hill,  Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, Deer Isle, Penobscot, Sedgwick,  Stonington, Surry
10  Surry  4 Options: 1)  Union 92, MSAD 26, 2) Option 1 + Ellsworth, 3) Option 2 + Schoodic,  Peninsula, and Flanders Bay CSD's & Union 96, OR 4) Surry, Union 76,  Deer Isle-Stonington CSD, & Union 93
10  Brooksville  Blue Hill,  Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, Deer Isle, Penobscot, Sedgwick,  Stonington, Surry
10  Castine  Blue Hill,  Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, Deer Isle, Penobscot, Sedgwick,  Stonington, Surry
12  S.A.D.  #22  Alternative
13  Glenburn  Two options -  Glenburn/Union 87 or Glenburn/SAD 63/Union 90/Airline  CSD/Dedham
14  S.A.D.  #23  MSAD 23 &  Hermon
14  Hermon  Hermon, MSAD  23
15  Dedham  Brewer,  Dedham, Clifton, Eddington, Orrington, Holden, Amherst, Aurora, Great  pond & Osborne
15  Orrington  Brewer,  Dedham, SAD 63, Airline CSD (Amherst, Aurora, Great Pond,  Osborn)
15  Brewer  Brewer,  Dedham, Clifton, Eddington, Orrington, Holden, Amherst, Aurora, Great  Pond, & Osborne (Proposed RSU #15)
15  S.A.D.  #63  1) Alternative  - 2) SAD 63/CSD 8/Brewer Dedham/Orrington, 3) MSAD 63/CSD #8, Union  90/Glenburn/Dedham, 4) MSAD 63/CSD #8/Union  90/Glenburn/Dedham/Veazie
16  Boothbay-Boothbay  Harbor  CSD  Two Submitted  - 1) Bristol, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Great Salt Bay CSD,  Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Edgecomb, Southport, Jefferson OR 2) Add  Alna to option 1
16  South  Bristol  Three  Submitted - 1) Bristol, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Great Salt Bay CSD,  Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Edgecomb, Southport, Jefferson - 2) Add  Alna to option 1 - OR 3) add Westport to option 3
16  Nobleboro  Three  Submitted - 1) Bristol, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Great Salt Bay CSD,  Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Edgecomb, Southport, Jefferson - 2) Add  Alna to option 1 - OR 3) add Westport to option 3
16  Bristol  Three  Submitted - 1) Bristol, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Great Salt Bay CSD,  Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Edgecomb, Southport, Jefferson - 2) Add  Alna to option 1 - OR 3) add Westport to option 3
16  Southport  Two Submitted  - 1) Bristol, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Great Salt Bay CSD,  Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Edgecomb, Southport, Jefferson OR 2) Add  Alna to option 1
16  Edgecomb  Two Submitted  - 1) Bristol, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Great Salt Bay CSD,  Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Edgecomb, Southport, Jefferson OR 2) Add  Alna to option 1
16  Bremen  Two Submitted  - 1) Bristol, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Great Salt Bay CSD,  Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Edgecomb, Southport, Jefferson OR 2) Add  Alna to option 1
16  Great Salt Bay  CSD  Three  Submitted - 1) Bristol, Nobleboro, South Bristol, Great Salt Bay CSD,  Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Edgecomb, Southport, Jefferson - 2) Add  Alna to option 1 - OR 3) add Westport to option 3
17  Glenwood  Plantation  Carroll/Drew/East  Millinocket/Glenwood/Lakeville/Lowell/Macwahoc/Medway/Millinocket/Reed/Seboeis/Woodville/Medford/Lee/Springfield/Webster/Winn/Burlington/Edinburg/Enfield/Howland/Maxfield/Passadumkeag/Chester/Lincoln/Mattawamkeag
17  Seboeis  Plantation  SAD 67/SAD  31/Seboeis/Lowell
17  Lowell  SAD 67/SAD  31/Seboeis/Lowell
18  S.A.D. #  4  Option 1) MSAD  4/MSAD 46/ Harmony & Willimantic OR Option 2) Option 1 plus MSAD  41/Greenville/Beaver  Cove/Kingsbury/Shirley/Bowerbank/Lakeview/Medford
18  Harmony  MSAD 4, MSAD  41, MSAD 46, MSAD 68, Harmony, Willimantic, Bowerbank, Lakeview,  Medford
18  Medford  MSAD 4/MSAD  41/MSAD 46/MSAD 68/Harmony/Willimantic/Bowerbank/Lakeview  Plantation/Medford/Greenville/Shirley/Kingsbury Plantation/Beaver Cove  OR Millinocket/Union 113/MSAD 30/MSAD 31/MSAD 67/ Union 110, Sebois  Plantation/Lowell
18  Lakeview  Plantation  MSAD 4/MSAD  41/MSAD 46/MSAD 68/Harmony/Willimantic/Bowerbank/Lakeview  Plantation/Medford/Greenville/Shirley/Kingsbury Plantation/Beaver  Cove
18  S.A.D.  #68  Option 1) MSAD  41/MSAD 68/Harmony/Willimantic/Bowerbank/Lakeview/Medford OR Option 2)  Option 1 plus MSAD 4/MSAD 46/Union 60/Shirley/Beaver  Cove/Kingsbury
19  S.A.D.  #38  MSAD 38, MSAD  48, MSAD 53
19  S.A.D.  #48  SAD 48/SAD  38
19  S.A.D.  #53  1) SAD 53  & 59, 2) SAD 53, 59, 13, 74, 12, and Greenville, OR 3) SAD 53, 48,  38
20  S.A.D.  #34  MSAD 34 &  MSAD 56
21  Hope  Five Town CSD  (Hope, Appleton, Lincolnville, Camden, Rockport), MSAD  #28
21  Five Town  CSD  MSAD 28,  Appleton, Hope, Lincolnville, Five Town CSD
21  Appleton  Five Town CSD  (Hope, Appleton, Lincolnville, Camden, Rockport), MSAD  #28
21  Lincolnville  Five Town CSD  (Hope, Appleton, Lincolnville, Camden, Rockport), MSAD  #28
21  S.A.D.  #28  Five town CSD,  Appleton, Hope, Lincolnville, MSAD 28
22  S.A.D. # 5/  Rockland  MSAD 5  (Rockland, So. Thomaston, Owls Head), MSAD 50 (Thomaston, Cushing, St.  George)
22  S.A.D. #50/  Thomaston  MSAD 50  (Thomaston, Cushing, St. George), MSAD 5 (Rockland, So. Thomaston, Owls  Head)
23  S.A.D.  #40  MSAD 40/MSAD  5/MSAD 50 OR Alternative due to "Doughnut Hole"
24  Highland  Plantation  Two intents -  1) MSAD 58 OR 2) MSAD 74
24  Pleasant Ridge  Plantation  Greenville,  Beaver Cove, Kingsbury Plantation, Shirley, Willimantic, SAD 12,  Dennistown, SAD 13, West Forks, The Forks, Caratunk, Pleasant Ridge  Plantation, New Portland, MSAD #59
24  S.A.D.  #13  MSAD 12, MSAD  13, Union 60, Dennistown Plantation, Caratunk, The Forks, West Forks,  Pleasant Ridge - UPDATE - 2 Additional Intents filed 8/27/07 - 1) MSAD  13 & MSAD 59, and 2) MSAD 13 & MSAD 74
24  S.A.D.  #12  MSAD 12/MSAD  13/ Union 60/Dennistown/West Forks/The Forks/Caratunk/Pleasant  Ridge
25  S.A.D.  #59  MSAD 53 &  MSAD 59, MSAD 54
26  Winslow  Two Submitted  - 1) Winslow, Waterville, MSAD 47 or 2) Winslow, China, Vassalboro,  Palermo
26  Vassalboro  2 Options: 1)  Winslow, China, Vassalboro, Palermo, & Waterville OR 2) Option 1  minus Waterville
26  China  Two Submitted  - 1) China, Vassalboro, Winslow, Palermo, Waterville, or 2) China,  Vassalboro, Winslow, Palermo
27  S.A.D.  #49  Alternative
28  Waterville  Winslow, MSAD  47, Waterville
29  Chelsea  Chelsea,  Jefferson, Palermo, Somerville, Whitefield,  Windsor
29  Whitefield  Chelsea,  Jefferson, Palermo, Somerville, Whitefield,  Windsor
29  Jefferson  Option 1)  Union 74/Alna/Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, Option 2) Option 1 PLUS  Alna, Option 3) Chelsea, Jefferson, Palermo, Somerville, Whitefield,  Windsor
30  Manchester  Manchester, Mount  Vernon, Readfield, Wayne, CSD 10 (Maranacook), Fayette,  Winthrop
30  Winthrop  Winthrop,  Fayette, Maranacook CSD (Wayne, Mt. Vernon, Readfield,  Manchester)
30  Maranacook  CSD  Manchester, Mount  Vernon, Readfield, Wayne, CSD 10 (Maranacook), Fayette,  Winthrop
30  Wayne  Manchester, Mount  Vernon, Readfield, Wayne, CSD 10 (Maranacook), Fayette,  Winthrop
30  Readfield  Manchester, Mount  Vernon, Readfield, Wayne, CSD 10 (Maranacook), Fayette,  Winthrop
30  Mount  Vernon  Manchester, Mount  Vernon, Readfield, Wayne, CSD 10 (Maranacook), Fayette,  Winthrop
30  S.A.D. #16/  Hallowell - Farmingdale  MSAD 16  (Hall-Dale), Monmouth, Dresden, Richmond and any part of Union  132
30  Monmouth  Monmouth,  Richmond, Dresden, MSAD16 (Hall-Dale)
31  Richmond  Richmond, Monmouth,  Dresden, MSAD16 (Hall-Dale), and any part of Union 132 (Jefferson,  Whitefield, Chelsea)
32  Alna  Alna/Arrowsic/Bath/Georgetown/Phippsburg/West  Bath/Westport Island/Wiscasset/Woolwich
32  Wiscasset  Alna/Arrowsic/Bath/Georgetown/Phippsburg/West  Bath/Westport Island/Wiscasset/Woolwich
32  Dresden  Dresden, Richmond,  MSAD16 (Hallowell & Farmingdale), Monmouth
33  Westport  Island  Alna/Arrowsic/Bath/Georgetown/Phippsburg/West  Bath/Westport Island/Wiscasset/Woolwich
38  Lewiston  Alternative  Plan - Serves 4,700 +/- students
40  S.A.D.  #36  MSAD 36 &  Jay
40  Jay  Jay, Livermore  Falls, Livermore
41  S.A.D. #  9  SAD 9, MSAD  58, Coplin Plantation
41  S.A.D.  #58  MSAD 58, MSAD  9, & Coplin Plantation
41  Carrabassett  Valley  SAD 58, SAD 9,  Carrabassett Valley
41  Rangeley  Union 37  (Rangeley), MSAD 58 (Phillips), MSAD 9 (Farmington), Carrabassett Valley  (Kingfield)
41  Dallas  Plantation  Union 37  (Rangeley), MSAD 58 (Phillips), MSAD 9 (Farmington), Carrabassett Valley  (Kingfield)
41  Rangeley  Plantation  Union 37  (Rangeley), MSAD 58 (Phillips), MSAD 9 (Farmington), Carrabassett Valley  (Kingfield)
41  Sandy River  Plantation  Union 37  (Rangeley), MSAD 58 (Phillips), MSAD 9 (Farmington), Carrabassett Valley  (Kingfield)
41  Coplin  Plantation  SAD 58, SAD 9,  Coplin Plantation
44  S.A.D.  #61  Alternative
45  S.A.D.  #15  MSAD  15/Poland/Mechanic Falls/Minot
46  Yarmouth  Three  Submitted - 1) Alternative, 2) Re-org w/ Falmouth & MSAD 51, or 3)  Re-org w/ Freeport & Pownal
47  S.A.D.  #51  Falmouth/SAD  51/Yarmouth
47  Falmouth  Falmouth, MSAD 51,  Yarmouth
48  Portland  Alternative  
49  Cape  Elizabeth  Alternative
49  South  Portland  Alternative
50  Scarborough  Alternative
51  Gorham  Alternative  Plan - Serves 2500+
54  S.A.D. #  6  Alternative
56  Saco  Old Orchard  Beach/Arundel/Saco/Dayton
56  Dayton  Old Orchard  Beach/Arundel/Saco/Dayton
56  Old Orchard  Beach  Old Orchard  Beach/Arundel/Saco/Dayton
57  S.A.D.  #71  MSAD 71 &  Arundel
57  Wells/Ogunquit  CSD  CSD 18 &  York
58  York  York/Kittery  or York/Wells/Ogunquit
60  Acton  Acton & Sanford  or Acton/SAD 60
61  S.A.D.  #60  Alternative
David  Connerty-Marin

Director of  Communications