Reorganization Planning Committee Meeting

Mount Desert Island High School Library

Monday, 23 July 2007


The Reorganization Planning Committee held its first meeting on Monday, 23 July 2007 with the following members present:  Brian Hubbell, Paul Murphy, Bob Garland, Rebecca Lenfesty, Bob Roxby, Gail Marshall, Laurel Robbins, Jeff Smith, Skip Strong, Amy Young, Anne Napier, Tammy Tripler, George Anderson, Nancy Carter, Amy Murphy, and Phil Worden


Others in attendance:

Rob Leibow, Kristin Hutchins, Robert Pulver, Jim Boothby, Doug Bird, Rick Mooers, George Peckham, Don Coates, Joe Saunders, Tom Minervino, Fred Ehrlenbach, Amy Davis, Judy Sproule, Gary Webber, Margaret Jeffery, Dick Atlee, Nancy Thurlow and Selena Dunbar



Mr. Liebow called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and gave a brief overview of the purpose of this committee and the ultimate goal of keeping the students’ best interests in mind throughout this process.



Mr. Liebow suggested that everyone introduce themselves and their interest in attending this meeting. 



Mr. Liebow and Brian Hubbell discussed the reorganization process; where we currently are and what will happen next.  Mr. Hubbell reminded the committee that information regarding the RPC meetings and any handouts will be available on the mdischools website.


Mr. Hubbell mentioned that the committee needs to be set up as a self-directed organization and develop ground rules for its operation.  Each school unit is obligated by the new law to file a Notice of Intent by 31 August 2007 and a plan for the Regional School Unit by 1 December 2007.


Mr. Liebow reminded the committee that there is a slow track and a fast track for this process.  Our committee would like to be proactive and take the fast track.  By filing the Letter of Intent by 31 August 2007, this simply means that a school unit has agreed to begin discussions with another school unit.  For example, Trenton could file two Letters of Intent if they want to have discussions with us as well as Ellsworth.  Mr. Liebow reminded everyone that all Unions, SAD’s, and CSD’s will be dissolved by July 2009.  Mr. Hubbell said that the committee feels they should move quickly and efficiently.


Paul Murphy said that the funding formula for MDI high school will survive.  The ability to function as a school union survives, although it will be called a Regional School Unit and not a Union.  Part of the success of our school system has been that K-8 education sits with each individual town.  We want to remain as close to that as possible.


Mr. Liebow stated that it will be important to have a facilitator for this process.  Mr. Hubbell invited Bill Ferm to be the facilitator.  Gail Marshall introduced Bill Ferm to the committee and gave a brief overview of his background and connection to the schools and communities. 


Mr. Murphy agreed that it is important to select a facilitator and felt that the meetings should be run by Roberts Rules of Order, with minor modifications.


Mr. Liebow said he would entertain motions to appoint a facilitator. 


MOVED by Bob Garland, seconded by Phil Worden and unanimously voted to appoint Bill Ferm as the facilitator for the Reorganization Planning Committee meetings.


Mr. Ferm accepted the appointment.  He has an allegiance to this process and is proud that in a few years he can look back and say that he was part of this procedure.  He then described that make up of the committee; one school committee member from each town, one municipal officer, and one citizen.

Gail Marshall mentioned that this participation was a recommendation from the Commissioner and that Union 98 had recommended two school committee members and one municipal officer from each currently participating town. 


Mr. Ferm asked how the committee desired to vote.  One vote per town?  Three votes per town?  Proxy votes?  One person, one vote?  If one voter per town that would not be fair if six towns _________ six votes all would be needed for passage.


Gary Webber wondered what would happen if Trenton had more than three members.  Could three members, whatever three were at the meeting, vote and others sit in audience?  Paul Murphy said that a rotating roster is not a good idea.  Weigh in from towns would depend on how the region is structured.


Tammy Tripler noted that it is difficult for outer island members to attend weekly meetings in person and wondered about the possibility of them attending by PolyCom or phone.  Rebecca Lenfesty said that PolyCom is somewhat difficult due to the delay of voice recognition.  Phone would be better if that is allowed.  Kristin Hutchins recommended that voting by proxy may be a good idea to alleviate the travel and communication issues.


Paul Murphy wanted to make a motion. Bill Ferm asked if he would wait as Mr. Ferm wanted to ask the audience a question first.  He asked the audience how this all sounded to them.  Rick Mooers stated that he felt that so far the conversations were spirited, engaging, and participatory and wondered if the committee should decide on a maximum number of members.


Fred Ehrlenbach asked if the members at the table had voted to participate with Union 98?  The group responded that they had.


MOVED by Paul Murphy that the committee be made up of three representatives from each town, that there be one person – one vote, and that vote by proxy for absentee members be the approved method of voting.

Brian Hubbell seconded the motion, but asked if Mr. Murphy wanted to include which towns were voting.  Mr. Murphy said he would if Mr. Hubbell wanted, but Mr. Hubbell declined.


Gail Marshall asked what Mr. Murphy meant by proxy vote.  Mr. Murphy said he did not make the distinction between proxy voting and absentee voting.


Dick Atlee felt Gail Marshall’s point was valid.  He liked the possibility of a caucus if necessary to call members if something came up at a meeting.


George Peckham asked if the committee should change proxy to absentee vote.  Mr. Ferm said that voting by proxy was giving permission for someone else to vote in your stead.  He asked if the motion should be amended to say voting by proxy only on items that were previously discussed at another meeting and not items that are being discussed at the current meeting.  Mr. Murphy said his intention was that voting by proxy would be for all situations.  Amy Young said she could understand Gail Marshall’s concerns.  She would agree that voting by proxy on items that have already been discussed would be fine.  The committee should decide how issues are addressed and discussed.


Jeff Smith said that in his experience voting by proxy for routine issues is fine, but for substantive issues he would have a concern.  It could be dangerous, except for routine issues.


Mr. Ferm reminded everyone that we want this process to be fair for all involved.


MOVED by Gail Marshall to amend Mr. Murphy’s original motion by removing the language about voting by proxy.  Mr. Ferm told the committee that they can change the rules at a later date if they are not effective.  Amy Young seconded the amended motion. 


Jeff Smith said that Mr. Ferm’s point was well taken and everyone should remember that these rules are merely guidelines and they can be changed in the future if they do not benefit the committee.


Skip Strong asked the committee to keep in mind that forming the Regional School Unit is a process that requires consensus.


Mr. Ferm asked the committee to consider the group’s discussion while deciding how to vote.


Mr. Murphy said the committee could revisit voting by proxy at a later date, he was just trying to consider the position of the outer island members.  Gail Marshall asked if there should be a distinction of who could vote by absentee.


Bill Ferm asked the committee to vote on the amended motion to take out the provision of voting by proxy, that there would be three representatives on the committee from each town, and that there would be one person – one vote.  6 in favor, 9 against.  The amended motion failed.


Bill Ferm then asked the committee to vote on the original motion which includes the provision of voting by proxy, there would be three representatives on the committee from each town, and that there would be one person – one vote.  All in favor with one opposed (G. Marshall).


Jeff Smith asked that the committee empower the facilitator to keep the meeting going as there is a lot of ground to cover.


MOVED by Rob Liebow to set the time, place, and dates for future meetings.  He recommended Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., in the MDI high school library, meeting every week, no longer than two hours, with the next meeting being 2 August 2007.  Seconded by Brian Hubbell.


Bill Ferm asked that the committee keep the meetings to a two-hour maximum, but work toward shortening them.


Jeff Smith informed the board that he has a long-standing commitment on Thursday nights and asked if it would be possible to change the evening of the meetings.  Laurel Robbins wondered if weekly meetings were too close together and asked if they should meet every other week.


Skip Strong reminded the board that the Letter of Intent is for the individual school boards to act on, not this committee.


Gail Marshall said that meeting every other week would work if sub-committees were established to continue the work that needs to be done on the off weeks.  Phil Worden wondered if the committee could start out meeting weekly and then perhaps every other week later in the process.


Paul Murphy said that as a point of procedure Mr. Liebow’s motion could not be accepted as he is not a member of the committee.  Mr. Murphy made the motion to determine future meeting times, dates and the location of the meetings.


Mr. Liebow suggested alternating the nights of the week for the meetings to alleviate any conflicts.  The committee agreed that it would be better to have the meetings scheduled for the same night each week to avoid confusion.


MOVED by Paul Murphy to amend the motion to set the time, place, and dates for future meetings for Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m., in the MDI high school library, meeting every week, no longer than two hours, with the exception being that the next meeting will be held Thursday, 2 August 2007.  Brian Hubbell seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Fred Ehrlenbach asked how the committee planned to accept additional towns?  Gail Marshall said that the committee would not allow towns to vote unless they committed to being part of our RSU.  Paul Murphy said that all towns are welcome to attend and give their input.  The committee may want to determine how the public participates.


Amy Young understood that the purpose of the Reorganization Planning Committee was not to exclude any towns from participating.  Laurel Robbins said that it was in the best interest of all towns to decide early on who they would participate with.


Gail Marshall stated that what the Regional School Unit looks like affects each community.  Number crunching and discussions may change people’s minds about which RSU they want to belong to.  Interested people can certainly come to the meetings but they need to make a decision on whether or not they are going to join the RSU if they want to vote.


Amy Young stated that she was feeling a lack of communication regarding this matter and that there is no provision in the law that allows us to exclude anyone.  Fred Ehrlenbach stated that each current municipality has the responsibility to determine who participates.


Brian Hubbell stated that there is no requirement for communities to reciprocate if a town decides they want to participate. 


Paul Murphy reminded the committee that the language in the law allows each Reorganization Planning Committee to set its own ground rules.  A town that is not currently a member of the committee, such as Trenton, shouldn’t be allowed to vote until they commit to us.  Bill Ferm asked how a town commits and Gail Marshall responded that this would be accomplished by filing the town’s Letter of Intent.  Tammy Tripler reminded the committee that the current membership’s intent has already been established.  Skip Strong mentioned that if there six members on the Trenton RPC and three of those members want to join us and three want to join Ellsworth, for example, they should be able to do this.  The voters in each town will ultimately have to vote for which town they want to participate with.


Gail Marshall said that we are all here to reorganize our school system because we have been required to do so by law, not because our school system is “broken”.  We are trying to preserve the system that has worked for us.


Rob Liebow said that the Department of Education has supplied us with financial spreadsheets and that towns have a tremendous effect on the final financial picture.  The formulas are all based on enrollment, unlike the current formula which is enrollment and valuation.


George Peckham stated that Mr. Murphy said that the Private and Special Act which created the high school remained, so wouldn’t the funding formula?  Mr. Murphy responded that he did not say the Private and Special Act remained, only that the funding formula remained unless all parties agree to change the funding formula.  Mr. Liebow said that there is a delicate balance of finances and he is not sure how that the Private and Special Act has been retained or not, only that the funding formula remains.  A legal opinion should be sought to determine this.


Gary Webber stated that the Department of Education is encouraging Trenton to participate with as many towns as possible and that they don’t have to decide on which one they will stay with at this point.  Mr. Murphy said that this is not part of the legislation, just a ground rule.


Gail Marshall recommended that the committee get back to the basic issues since it is 8:50 p.m.  Bill Ferm agreed that is was very important to get back to these issues.


Rob Liebow said that this committee is discovering first-hand the vagueness of the law.  Brian Hubbell said that the committee doesn’t want to exclude anyone right now.  Towns need to feel comfortable being here.


Gail Marshall asked about hiring a lawyer and how the committee would keep track of finances and expenses.  She mentioned that Dick Spencer of Drummond, Woodsum, and MacMahon is a legislative specialist and currently represents schools so he is familiar with the issues we are dealing with.  In preliminary conversations with him, he has agreed to represent our committee.  Drummond, Woodsum, and MacMahon currently handles all of Union 98’s legal issues and questions.  Rob Liebow said that the Department of Education will reimburse facilitator’s costs and expenses associated with “costs of transition”.  It has not been determined what those costs actually are or how they will be reimbursed. 


Bill Ferm suggested that a sub-committee be formed to determine who the legal representative will be and to be the contact people for legal matters.  Paul Murphy and Gail Marshall volunteered to be on this committee.


Jeff Smith said that the Town of Mt. Desert is currently consulting with an attorney and will bring to this committee any information that might be useful. 


MOVED by Gail Marshall, seconded by Paul Murphy and unanimously voted to appoint Selena Dunbar to take minutes for the Reorganization Planning Committee meetings.


Rob Liebow said he and Jim Boothby can show the financing in the state model.  All enrollment, no private and special acts.  Three scenarios were run by the Department of Education.  We requested that they make changes to these and were told that the Department doesn’t have time to make changes to these scenarios.  Huge amounts of dollars will be shifted in each scenario and effect towns differently.  We will only have the state models for presentation at the next meeting.


MOVED by Brian Hubbell, seconded by Gail Marshall and unanimously voted to authorize Superintendent Liebow to request that the Department of Education furnish the committee, prior to the August 2 meeting, financial models that meet our schools’ needs, including the Private and Special Act to Create MDIHS. 


MOVED by Paul Murphy, seconded by Anne Napier and unanimously voted to name the Regionalization Planning Committee #98.


Dick Atlee interjected that the word proposed by the state is actually “reorganization”, not “regionalization”.


Bill Ferm asked if there were any other issues not yet covered tonight.


Jeff Smith recommended that Mr. Liebow ask the state exactly what will be covered in the day-to-day financing of this transition.  Bill Ferm asked if the committee agreed by consensus to have Mr. Liebow request this information from the state.  The committee agreed.


Mr. Liebow said that all communications for future meetings will be on the mdischools website.  Amy Young suggested that it be standard procedure to distribute all communications to everyone.  She also asked that a sub-committee be formed to discuss voting by proxy and make a recommendation to the full committee at the next meeting.  Tammy Tripler, Brian Hubbell, and Rebecca Lenfesty agreed to be on the voting by proxy sub-committee.


Bill Ferm suggested that at the next meeting the committee elect a chair and co-chair and discuss legal representation.  Gail Marshall also mentioned that the committee should reflect at the next meeting on how best to communicate with other towns.  Anne Napier wondered if conference calls could be the solution.  Bill Ferm said that the voting by proxy sub-committee would look into that and report back.



MOVED by Paul Murphy, seconded by Gail Marshall and unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m.



Thursday, 2 August 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the MDIHS library


Respectfully submitted,

Selena Dunbar

Recording Secretary