Summary of Public Law 2007, Chapter 240, Part XXXX


Updated 6/11/07 – check back for updates/corrections.


State Policy for Effective and Efficient School Units


The law sets forth state policy to ensure that schools be organized as units in order to provide equitable educational opportunities, rigorous academic programs, uniformity in delivering programs, a greater uniformity in tax rates, more efficient and effective use of limited resources, preservation of school choice and maximum opportunity to deliver services in an efficient manner. 


All school units, of whatever form and whatever size – SADs, CSDs and municipal school units, small and large – must:


(1) Work with other units to reorganize into larger, more efficient units; or


(2) Where expansion of the unit would be impractical or inconsistent with state policy, reorganize their own administrative structures to reduce costs.




The Commissioner of Education or her designee will convene meetings in each Career and Technical Education region to provide information, assistance and suggested alignments of school units.  The Commissioner can suggest alignment of units, but local units aren’t required to follow those suggestions and will ultimately pick their own partners.


Communities will file an “intent to reorganize” with the Commissioner by August 31, 2007 and then work to develop a reorganization plan by December 15, 2007, or, if a district is exempted, an “alternate plan.”


Reorganization Planning Committees will be formed locally and will determine the structure of the proposed new Regional School Unit (RSU).  Key decisions of governance, including the size and composition of the board, and the method of voting, will be made by the Reorganization Planning Committee and are part of the reorganization plan that will be submitted first to the Department of Education and then voted on by all voters in the member communities of the proposed RSU.  If the plan is approved by the voters, elections will then be held for seats on the RSU school board.


The Department of Education will provide facilitators to districts that request them to help local efforts, funding for the January 2008 election and funds to help units with the costs of transition. 


School Unit Size and Number


Existing school units should aim to form regional school units of at least 2,500 resident students, except where geography, demographics, population density, transportation challenges and other obstacles make 2,500 impractical. Where 2,500 is impractical, the units must aim to create units of at least 1,200 students. 


Offshore islands and tribal schools are not subject to a minimum size requirement. 


Legislative intent of the law is to create a maximum of 80 school units or the number of units appropriate to achieve administrative efficiencies. The Commissioner may not refuse creation of a unit solely because it causes the number of units in the State to exceed 80.


Exemptions from Consolidation


“Doughnut hole:”  Districts exercising due diligence with respect to consolidation but experiencing rejection by all other surrounding districts to be included in consolidation will not be penalized if their plan documents efforts to consolidate and the plan includes alternative ways of meeting efficiencies.


High performing and highly efficient districts:   School units whose administrative costs are less than four percent and who have at least three high performing schools, as defined in the May 2007 Maine Education Policy Research Institute report “The Identification of Higher and Lower Performing Maine Schools”, are exempt from consolidation, but still required to submit a plan to meet efficiencies.  The Department of Education will work with the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee to develop a statutory definition of a "high performing, efficient district."


All units, whether consolidated or exempted, including island and tribal schools, must submit a plan for meeting efficiencies.



Reorganization and Cost Reduction Plans


All plans – whether they propose consolidation or not – must show how the unit will, for FY2009 (starting July 1, 2008) reduce system administration costs, transportation, special education and facilities and maintenance expenditures in a way that doesn’t affect instructional programs.  The Commissioner must provide a written statement to the districts that submitted plans failing to meet statutory requirements with the reasons for the failure of these plans.


All reorganization plans are subject to voter approval. 


Districts whose plans are ready in December will vote in January 2008.   Districts whose plans are not ready in December, but have exercised due diligence and acted in good faith in developing a reorganization plan, will vote on June 10, 2008 on consolidation.  The Department of Education will fund the cost of elections held in January 2008.  The referendum question will clearly state the penalties that will apply if voters disapprove of the reorganization plan.



Financial Impact, Penalties


General Purpose Aid for Education will be reduced by $36.5 million in FY2009 (beginning July 1, 2008).  The per-pupil rate for system admnistration will be reduced to 50 percent of the 2005-06 rate, adjusted for inflation and the per-pupil rate for facilities and maintenance will be reduced by 5 percent.  The Essential Programs and Services allocations for special education and transportation will each be reduced by 5 percent.


Units that vote against reorganization will face additional financial impact in the form of penalties, starting on July 1, 2009.  Penalties for units that don’t form appropriate regional units by the beginning of FY 2010 include:


1.  A 50% reduction in minimum subsidy (the special education minimum);

2.  A further 50% reduction in system administration funds;

3.  Less favorable consideration in approval and funding for school construction; and

4.  Loss of eligibility for transition adjustments.


In addition, the percentage of state subsidy for a unit that votes against reorganization will not increase to the highest level as called for in the four-year “ramp up” of state funding for education. The percentage of state General Purpose Aid for units that opt out will be consistent with a statewide average contribution of 53.86% instead of the 55% overall state share.  The net effect will be that those units that choose NOT to reorganize will be subject to an incrementally higher local contribution (mill rate) than those who do reorganize.


[Note:  The final version of the legislation removed an earlier proposed penalty that made non-complying school districts ineligible for the isolated small school adjustment.]


A unit that votes against reorganization in one referendum can develop another reorganization plan and hold another referendum.  The unit can avoid penalties if it approves reorganization by referendum not later than the November 2008 election and is operational within a regional unit by July 1, 2009.


Schools and School Choice


Reorganization plans won’t close schools or displace teachers and students. Local schools can’t be closed unless the regional board votes by a 2/3rds vote AND the municipality where the school is located votes to approve the closure.  If the municipality votes not to close the school that the regional board votes to close, the municipality is responsible for only the added cost of keeping the school open, not the entire cost.  (same as current SAD law)


Every regional school unit must have a publicly-supported high school – either a public school or a publicly-supported private secondary school such as Thornton Academy, Erskine Academy, John Bapst Memorial High School, among others).  Students who have school choice right now will, whether or not there is a contract to reflect that school choice, continue to have school choice after reorganization, even if they join a regional unit that has its own high school.


Teachers and Other School Employees


Teachers and other school employees will be transferred to the new unit, and will retain their rights under collective bargaining contracts.  Contracts will continue until their planned expiration dates and there will be an orderly process for continuing collective bargaining.


School Governance; Budget Transparency


Regional school units will be governed by a regional school board; representation on the Board is determined by the local communities as part of the reorganization planning process.  Regional boards may create local school committees with powers and duties determined during the reorganization planning process (before elections of the Regional School Unit board).  All school units will provide budget transparency by using a uniform budget format and a budget validation referendum – that is, the budget goes to an up-or-down ballot before all voters in the municipalities making up the Regional School Unit.


Elementary school budgets.   A municipality within a regional school unit may raise and spend additional funds for any school serving grades kindergarten through Grade 8 in that municipality. 


Cost Sharing Agreements.   Cost sharing agreements pursuant to certain laws remain in effect unless the parties to the agreement modify or terminate the agreement.



Other Provisions


Regional collaboration is facilitated by statutory authorization.


The Department of Education will review and critique all unfunded state mandates pertaining to school systems and report to the Legislature’s Education Committee by December 15, 2008.




Key dates as delineated in the reorganization law:


July 15, 2007 - Deadline for completion of regional informational meetings to be held by the Department of Education in each of the Career and Technical Education regions.  The Department will present information about the requirements of the reorganization law regarding consolidation and collaboration among school administrative units.


August 31, 2007 – Deadline for each School Administrative Unit (SAU) to file a notice of intent to engage in planning and negotiations with other SAU’s for the purpose of developing a reorganization plan to form a Regional School Unit (RSU) or intent to submit an alternative plan to the Commissioner.


December 1, 2007 – School Administrative Units must submit their reorganization plan or alternative plan to the Commissioner.


December 15, 2007 – Commissioner will approve plans or must return any plan that does not meet the requirements with specific suggestions and written findings providing reasons why the plan did not meet the requirements. Reorganization Plans that have been submitted and approved by the Commissioner by December 15, 2007 will proceed to a municipal referendum.


January 15, 2008 – Deadline for holding a municipal referendum in each of the municipalities making up the proposed RSU. This referendum to be paid for by the Department of Education, and is for SAU’s with a reorganization plan completed and approved by December 15, 2007.


June 10, 2008 – A municipal referendum must be held on June 10, 2008 for any reorganization plan received or revised after December 15, 2007.


July 1, 2008 – Start date of new regional school units approved at referendum by January 15, 2008.


November 4, 2008  In school units where voters rejected a reorganization plan at referendum, those units have until November 4, 2008 to create a new proposal for reorganization and hold a referendum vote.  Units not approving a plan by this date will be subject to the penalties for non-consolidating units.


July 1, 2009 – Start date of new regional school units approved at referendum after January 15, 2008 and by November 4, 2008.