Report "B" from the Rural Caucus on School Consolidation

Update to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs

May 21, 2007 at 1:00 PM


The Bipartisan Working Group is composed of members of the

Education Committee, the Appropriations Committee, the Rural Caucus, Interested Parties, and Leadership




Report "B" - Rural Caucus







1. Timeline


* Local districts prepared to consolidate will vote in January 2008 for implementation in July 2008.

Fast Track for



the Willing and Able





* All remaining districts will vote in June 2008 for implementation in July 2009.




* All new school units must be operational no later than July 1, 2009.




* Beginning July 1,2008 [FY 2009}, a modification of $36.5 million is made to General Purpose Aid that impacts



all school districts to reflect administrative reorganization.







2. Number of Districts


No maximum number of districts



3. Size of School


Population density determines whether the district is required to have a minimum of 1200 students or 2500

Administrative Units.





4. Governance


School administrative units and Super Unions



5. Ultimate approval of


Determined by Statute with clear criteria. The Commissioner will use the criteria to determine whether the

consolidated school


proposed consolidated unit meets statutory requirements.


administrative units


* The final determination to consolidate [partner with other districts] is made by voters.


6. Exemption from


Off-shore Island schools and Tribal schools / opt out.












7. Issues not


* Education of students from the Unorganized Territory, Incentives, and Penalties.


Addressed or that


* High performing and administratively efficient districts that meet criteria for administrative fiscal efficiency and

need definition


High academic performance.



8. Collaboration


Collaboration among school units is encouraged at the earliest possible time, prior to consolidation and following



Consolidation. Collaboration to achieve savings above the $36.5 million modification includes, but is not limited to:



purchasing of equipment and supplies, purchasing for food and fuel, transportation of students and maintenance



of vehicles, preparation of payroll, book-keeping, etc