Issues in Report "A" That Are in Common with Report "B" - Rural Caucus









1. Role of Reorganization


The 26 Reorganization Planning Committees work with local regional planning committees to manage the


Planning Committees


regional planning process, prepare reorganization plans for submission to the Commissioner and local voters,




and to facilitate the transition to the new district










2. Leadership & Direction


Local regional planning Committees provide leadership and direction with the assistance of the Commissioner.




The Department will provide necessary data, expertise, and maps to assist in developing the new School




Administrative Units





3. Collaboration


Collaboration among school units and municipalities is encouraged at the earliest possible time, prior to




consolidation and following consolidation. Collaboration to achieve savings above the $36.5 million modification




includes, but is not limited to: purchasing of equipment and supplies, purchasing for food and fuel, transportation




of students and maintenance of vehicles, preparation of payroll, book-keeping, etc


4. Budget Transparency


Mandatory summary budget with 11 expenditure articles.

Each budget must make a clear link between school




spending and any changes in tax rates.

There will be a standardized budget format statewide for transparency.




If the budget spends more than 100% of EPS, it must show the increase any increase in the tax rate associated




with it.





5. Ultimate approval of


* Determined by Statute with clear criteria.

The Commissioner will use the criteria to determine whether the


consolidated school


proposed consolidated unit meets statutory requirements.



administrative units


* A Popular vote of the new school administrative unit will be final.


6.Cost Sharing


Cost sharing formulas are determined by local agreement or private and special law as they are under existing




law. Local voters approve cost sharing formulas



7. Local-only Debt


Local only debt is transferred to the reorganized school unit if the reorganized school unit takes over associated




school property





8. School" Closing


A 2/3 vote of school boards is required to initiate the school closing Procedure.









9. School Choice


School choice will be recognized and maintained in the new district. This includes independent and private









10. Exemption from


Off-shore Island schools and Tribal schools.

















11.. Issues not


Education of students from the Unorganized Territory, Incentives, and Penalties





















Prepared by Staff to the Working Group, May 21, 2007 at 11:35 AM