Compromise Bipartisan Working Group Report on School Consolidation

Update to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs

May 21, 2007 at 1:00 PM


The Bipartisan Working Group is composed of members of the

Education Committee, the Appropriations Committee, the Rural Caucus, Interested Parties, and Leadership




Report "A"









1. Timeline


* All school districts subject to consolidation with other districts must vote on school consolidation in January




2008 to be implemented on July 1, 2008.






* School districts voting not to consolidate in January 2008 must consolidate and be operational by July 1, 2009




in order to avoid penalties that are in addition to the modification to General Purpose for FY 2009




* All School districts not required to consolidate must submit a report to the Commissioner of Education no later




than December 1, 2007 that explains the means by which administrative savings will be achieved to meet the




reduction in EPS funding.






* Beginning July 1, 2008 [FY 2009}, a modification of $36.5 million is made to General Purpose Aid that impacts




all school districts to reflect administrative reorganization.






* Beginning July 1, 2009 additional penalties will be imposed on school districts that have not yet consolidated.








2. Number of Districts


Legislative Intent for 80 districts










3. Size of School


The size of each district is based on population density.

School districts in counties with a population of less


Administrative Units.


than 100 per square mile must achieve a minimum student population of 1200 students.

School districts located




in the following counties with a population of more than 100 residents per square mile in: York, Cumberland,




Androscoggin, Kennebec, Sagadahoc, Knox, must achieve a minimum student population of 2500 students.


4. Governance


Each school administrative unit will be governed by an executive board assisted by local school committees.




Governance is flexible and not prescribed. [May be similar to school union governance].











Prior to the operation of the Working Group, a bipartisan subcommittee of more than 30 people




participated in the development of a compromise school consolidation proposal.

Included in this group




were members of the Education and Appropriations Committees, bipartisan party leadership,




superintendents, and other interested parties. The bipartisan subcommittee agreed to a smaller working




Group to propose a school consolidation plan.











Prepared by Staff to the Working Group, May 21, 2007 at 11:35 AM