School Consolidation Plan Summary

Issue By Issue Comparisons Among the

Appropriations Subcommittee, Rural Caucus, and Working Group Proposals

Prepared for the Working Group by Staff [May 16, 2007]



Appropriations Subcommittee Plan

Rural Caucus Plan

Working Group Compromise Plan


Based on The April 11, 2007 Plan



1. Local Vote Provisions

A local vote is not required for the creation of new regional School Units [RSUs]

Local Vote in November 2007 for districts that are ready, and in June 2008 for those unprepared in the November 2007 election.

A local vote is required no later than June 2008 to approve or disapprove proposed plans for reorganized school units [SADs]

2. Consolidation

Consolidation Required

Consolidation encouraged with incentives, and penalties for failing to consolidate.

Consolidation required with the exception of island school districts and tribal schools.  Incentives provided to encourage consolidation.

3. Ability of Local unit to opt out of Consolidation

No provision for opting out.

Local units may opt out if they meet the minimum student population requirements and the necessary savings requirements or if they are geographically isolated districts.  Local units may opt out at the June 2008 election, but will incur serious penalties.

Local units may opt out, but will incur serious penalties.    For minimum receivers that opt out, there will be a loss of all state aid.   For other districts, there will be the loss of an additional 50% of its EPS state allocation for system-wide administration.

4. Timelines

New RSUs become operational July 1, 2008

New school units become operational no later than July 1, 2009

New school units become operational no later than July 1, 2009

5. Number of school districts

No more than 80 Regional School units

No maximum number of school districts specified

Legislative Intent for 80 school administrative units that allows for a limited number of additional units if necessary as determined by the Commissioner.

6. Minimum Size of School Districts

2,500 students per regional school unit with approved exceptions to reflect geographic, demographic, economic, transportation, population density, or other unique circumstances.

Population density determines whether the district is required to have a minimum of 1200 students or 2500 students

SADs with a population of less than 100 per square mile must achieve a minimum student population of 1,200.   For SADs with a population of 100 or more per square mile, the minimum student population must be 2,500.










Appropriations Subcommittee Plan

Rural Caucus Plan

Working Group Compromise Plan


April 11 Plan



7. Collaboration

Collaboration among regional school units and among RSUs is encouraged by general statutory language

Collaboration among school units and municipalities is encouraged;   new statutory procedures are established to make collaboration easier to achieve.

Collaboration among school units and municipalities is required at the earliest possible time, prior to consolidation and following consolidation.  New statutory procedures are established to make collaboration easier to achieve.   Collaboration to achieve savings includes purchasing of equipment and supplies, purchasing for food and fuel, transportation of students and maintenance of vehicles, preparation of payroll, book-keeping, etc.

8. Leadership & Direction for Creating New SADs

The Commissioner of Education provides leadership and Direction.   Local regional planning Committees have a supporting role.

Local regional planning committees provide leadership and direction.  The Commissioner of Education has a supporting role.

Local regional planning Committees provide leadership and direction with the assistance of the Commissioner.   The Department will provide necessary data, expertise, and maps to assist in developing the new SADs

9. Role of Reorganization Planning Committees

Regional Planning Committees assist with the implementation of the new regional school units and the creation of interim personnel, budgets, and policy committees.

Manage reorganization and the planning process.   These committees prepare reorganization plans for submission to local voters.

The 26 Reorganization Planning Committees work with local regional planning committees to manage the regional planning process, prepare reorganization plans for submission to the Commissioner and local voters, and to facilitate the transition to the new district.

10. Make-up of the Reorganization Planning Committees

School and municipal officials with representatives of the general public.

School and municipal officials with representatives of the general public

School and municipal officials with representatives of the general public.

11.  Form of School units

All existing school units are merged into Regional School Units (RSUs) except for large municipal school units.  SADs, CSDs, & school unions are abolished as of July 1, 2008

SADs, CSDs, municipal school units and school unions may continue to exist.

Current SADs and municipal school units may continue to exist if they meet the minimum student population requirements and EPS efficiency standards.   School unions yet to be determined






Appropriations Subcommittee Plan

Rural Caucus Plan

Working Group Compromise Plan


April 11 Plan



12. Terms of current school board members

Terms of all elected school board members are terminated June 30, 2008.  Newly elected RSU school boards take office on July 1, 2008

Terms of current school board members are not terminated early unless changed by locally approved reorganization plans approved by local voters

Terms of all elected school board members are terminated on June 30, 2009.   Newly elected school board members take office on July 1, 2009.

13. Budget Transparency

Mandated summary budget format with 11 expenditure articles.   Each budget must make a clear link between school spending and any changes in tax rates.   There will be a standardized budget format statewide for transparency.

Mandated summary budget format with eight expenditure articles.

Mandatory summary budget with 11 expenditure articles.   Each budget must make a clear link between school spending and any changes in tax rates.   There will be a standardized budget format statewide for transparency.   If the budget spends more than 100% of EPS, it must show the increase any increase in the tax rate associated with it.

14. Budget Adoption Process

Mandatory budget validation referendum process for all school units for the FY 2008-09 budget and for all school units above EPS for FY 2009-2010 and FY 2010 - 2011 budgets

Budget adoption procedures remain as they are subject to change at the local level by school board or voter petition process.

Mandatory budget validation referendum process for all school units.

15.  School unions

School unions replaced by Regional School units [RSUs].

School unions may continue to exist and are permitted as a reorganization option - including a super-union structure that would recommend budgets for each participating union and other recommendations to be approved by the local boards.

Not yet determined.

16.  Cost Sharing formula for additional local funds

A new cost sharing formula for additional local funds raised by RSUs based on each municipality's required local contribution under EPS

Cost sharing formulas are determined by local agreement or private and special law as they are under existing law.  Local voters approve cost sharing formulas.

Cost sharing formulas are determined by local agreement or private and special law as they are under existing law.  Local voters approve cost sharing formulas.














Appropriations Subcommittee Plan

Rural Caucus Plan

Working Group Compromise Plan

17.  Local only debt

Local only debt remains with the existing school unit.

Local only debt is transferred to the reorganized school unit if the reorganized school unit takes over associated school property.

Local only debt is transferred to the reorganized school unit if the reorganized school unit takes over associated school property

18.  Proposed State Savings in FY 2008-09

$36.5 Million

$36.5 Million

$36.5 Million