

Critical issues that must be addressed in order for the Rural Caucus (Boondock Saints) to support the school reconsolidation.


1.                  Timeline:  Final consolidation by July 1, 2009.  (Early votes can be taken if a “district” is ready, with earliest date being November 2007.)

2.                  Minimum District Size:  1,200 students would be ideal, but regional differentiation is acceptable.

3.                  Local Vote:  A local vote must be taken to approve the new district. This might include vote to authorize existing school boards to begin the planning process and a second vote to approve the new district.

4.                  Criteria:  Criteria for acceptable consolidation must be delineated and not left to the discretion of the DOE or the State Board of education.

5.                  DOE I:  DOE and the commission should act as advisors and facilitators for consolidation.  They will not have final approval.  Disputes will be settled through proposed legislation submitted by the district in question.

6.                  DOE II:  DOE should stop their efforts to lead districts to believe a decision has already been made (the Appropriation’s Sub-committee report)

7.                  Specific Savings: Concrete ad constructive means for reducing costs must be recommended to the new districts. Arbitrary percentages based on cuts are not acceptable.

8.                  SADs, Union, etc.:  All school administrative units will be allowed to exist within the consolidation structure.

9.                  School Choice:  Where applicable, school choice will be recognized and maintained in the new district. This includes independent and private schools.

10.              Penalties:  Significant penalties will be established for those school districts, unions, etc., that do not participate to include construction and special education funds.

11.              Incentives: Significant incentives will be established for new districts that are established by consolidation.

12.              Geography:  Geography needs to be factored into consideration in establishing a district.

13.              Population density: Population density needs into consider in establishing a district.

14.              School Closing:  A super majority vote will be required before a school can be closed.

15.              Mandates: Mandates need to be revaluated and eliminated where applicable.

16.              Budget Transparency: The budget should provide a clear and simple explanation of how and where money will be spent.

17.              High Schools: it is not necessary for a “new” district to have a high school.

18.              EPS/Labor Market:  Provide a guarantee that these issues will be addressed in a meaningful way next year.